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Takedown Scoring and Stats Users

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Use Takedown Scoring and Stats and Get These Things for Free

Most of us love "writing the book." When you "write the book" with Takedown, life is better and you'll do less work. Here's why.

I had the pleasure of scoring Boise v. Purdue dual meet last Friday evening.

This was a last minute assignment, but no matter. From scratch, setup took about ten minutes and most of that time was spent scouring the Internet for suitable team logos (thank you, Amanda).

After the last match, I emailed the scorebook and box score to each team’s Sports Information Directors and posted the relevant reports to social media. Both officials praised the scoreboard layout and functionality.

Below are the benefits of scoring a dual meet (or tournament) with Takedown.

Of course, these reports are much more powerful as more events are scored. Trends and tendencies become obvious, post-event analysis is data driven rather than belief based. Your fan base is happier, it's easier to update your website or compose an email update. All the content you need is automatically generated and immediately available.  No logging into websites or copying from paper to a spreadsheet.

Score your events with Takedown, instead of with paper and pencil, and get all of these goodies:


Readable, durable, accurate, complete, shareable and branded.

Box Score

Easy to read, available in multiple formats including the text format preferred by newspapers and media outlets.

Image or PDF format.

Text format for press and media.

Scoring Detail

Wrestler scoring, for-against.

Takedown Scoring Detail

Riding Time

Riding time by wrestler, by period and total, for-against.

Short Time Scoring

By wrestler, for-against, 20/15/20/5 seconds remaining in period. This is the 10 second report.

Shot Success Rate

Shots by wrestler, for-against and success rate (takedowns / shots).

Wrestler Profile

Every metric for a wrestler on one page. What college coaches should ask for when recruiting high school wrestlers.


Ranked wrestlers in 19 categories.

Win/Loss Record

By wrestler, duals and tournaments, total and pins.


By wrestler, each match, opponent, outcome, event with sorting options.


Updated with results.

Takedown LIVE

Fan-focused, real-time scorebook and video on your Apple or Android mobile phone or tablet Free.

Live Results on Twitter

Auto-posted, end-of-period or end-of-match. Team score included. This is a sample of 50+ auto-posted tweets for this dual meet. These results were posted to our Twitter timeline as a matter of convenience. Teams post their results to their own timelines.


Professional , wrestling-dedicated, referee and athlete friendly. Wired or wireless. Optionally deploy a mirrored, second screen for your announcer.

Audience Scoreboard

Mirrored secondary scoreboard for announcer

Use Takedown to "do the book" and derive a wide range of benefits for coaches, athletes, managers and fans. 

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