Timely Information for Takedown Scoring and Stats Users
Price Change - Reminder
As we indicated last month, Takedown Scoring and Stats subscription prices will increase slightly this month.
This change does not impact existing subscribers who’ve maintained their auto-renewing subscription in good standing or any subscriptions purchased prior to the price change.
The price change is scheduled for November 14th.
Price Change
In November, Takedown Scoring and Stats subscription prices will increase slightly.
This change does not impact existing subscribers who’ve maintained their auto-renewing subscription in good standing or any subscriptions purchased prior to the price change.
The price change is scheduled for November 14th.
Price Increase
Sometime in December or early January we will raise the price for our subscriptions to $199 for the combination of scoring and video recording.
This price change does not apply to customers who maintain their auto-renewing subscription in good standing. It only applies to new customers or customers who’ve not renewed their auto-renewing subscription.
Notice of Planned Obsolescence: 50 and 200 Match Purchases
Changes coming to the Takedown Store on September 1, 2019
On September 1, 2019, we will obsolete the 50 and 200 match purchase options in the Takedown Store. Any matches you’ve purchased will be use-able in the app. However, the ability to purchase additional matches in 50 or 200 match increments will no longer be offered. Starting on September 1, 2019, the Takedown Store purchasing options for scoring matches and video recording will be via subscription only, either seven days or a full year as currently implemented.
Why are we doing this?
When we first shipped Takedown Scoring and Stats back in 2013, our intention was to offer a subscription-only app. However, at that time Apple did not permit non-media, e.g. magazines, newspapers, etc., apps to offer subscriptions so we eventually devised the 50 and 200 match purchase options. Since 2013, Apple has revised their developer policies permitting non-media apps such as Takedown Scoring and Stats to use subscription-based in-app purchases.
Importantly for our users, Apple’s subscription service allows for (1) price-protection and (2) multi-device support, neither of which is available when offering what Apple calls “consumable” in-app purchases. Our current 50 and 200 match options are categorized by Apple as “consumable” in-app purchases.
We also believe that reducing the number of purchase options in the Takedown Store will make our offering easier to understand for new users. Lastly, we are able to reduce development investment associated with offering 50/200 match in-app purchases and use those resources on other features and projects.
What this Means for You
Between now and August 31, 2019, 50 and 200 match options will be available for purchase in the Takedown Store. Starting on September 1, 2019, 50 and 200 match options will not be available for purchase in the Takedown Store. Plan your purchases accordingly.
This announcement does not impact subscriptions in any way.
For more information about Takedown Scoring and Stats pricing, see this page.