Timely Updates for

Takedown Scoring and Stats Users

New Release Takedown App New Release Takedown App

Version 2.13.6

New release of Takedown Scoring and Stats.

In the App Store today, release 2.13.6 includes bug fixes and an in-app shortcut to manage your subscriptions.

This release is recommended for all users.

Manage Subscriptions

Available in the Takedown Store, Manage Subscriptions is a shortcut that will take you directly to Apple’s Subscriptions section.

Takedown Store — Manage Subscriptions shortcut

Takedown Store — Manage Subscriptions shortcut

Apple Subscriptions

Tap on any of your Takedown subscriptions to gather information or make changes. Remember to tap Done when finished and, if you want to return to the app, tap Takedown in the upper left corner.

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Takedown App Takedown App

Bye, Bye iOS 9, 10 and 11

Last December and March we announced our intention to end support for iOS 9 and 10 in the 2020 - 2021 season.

Takedown Scoring and Stats release 2.13.5, available today in the App Store, is the last Takedown release supporting iOS 9 and 10. The iPad models “stuck” at iOS 9 or 10 are iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4 and iPad Mini 1.

Future Takedown Scoring and Stats releases will require iOS 12 or higher (note: any iPad running iOS 11 can upgrade to iOS 12).

If you have an impacted iPad model, you can continue using 2.13.5. We strongly suggest migrating to an iPad supporting iOS 12+ as soon as circumstances permit so that you can enjoy the benefits of future releases.

Moving Data to A New iPad

To migrate your consolidated Takedown Scoring and Stats data to a new iPad:

  1. On your old iPad, email each of your Takedown Seasons to your new iPad using the Share Season feature.

  2. On your new iPad, retrieve the emails sent in step #1 and import each email message’s attachment into Takedown. Double tap the attachment to start the import process. Each email message attachment represents a Season.

  3. When finished importing your Seasons, check to make sure the databases are identical by comparing Reports from the old and new iPads. For example, running the Scoring Details report (for all Seasons) on the old and new iPads should yield the same results.

  4. Note that in order to use an existing subscription, the new iPad will need to be registered to the Apple ID of the subscription purchaser.

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