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Takedown Scoring and Stats Users
Takedown Scoring and Stats Release 2.0
Release 2.0, now available for download on from the App Store, has some exciting new features
A Letter to the NCAA Rules Committee re: Miller v. Realbuto Controversy
This is an email sent on March 28th to Ron Beaschler , NCAA Wrestling Secretary-Rules Editor regarding the Miller v. Realbuto controversy
Lose Track of the Score at your Wrestler's Peril: A Harsh Lesson for Kent State and Ian Miller
In the quarter final round of the NCAA Division I Championships in March 2015, Ian Miller (Kent State) lost to Brian Realbuto (Cornell) 11-9 in sudden victory. But, that sudden victory round shouldn't have been wrestled because Ian Miller beat Brian Realbuto 10-9 in regulation. How'd that happen?
Are Forfeits a Problem for High School Wrestling?
We looked at 116 dual meets, JV and Varsity, from schools across the country and discovered an alarming rate of forfeits -- 18% of all matches! Examining the impact at each weight class, we found the following