Timely Information for Takedown Scoring and Stats Users
New Score Keeper? Get them trained before your first competition.
Don't ask your score keeper to use Takedown Scoring and Stats without a bit of training. Here's what we recommend.
Student managers graduate, parents volunteers come and go.
If you have a new score keeper this year, it's important to train them on Takedown Scoring and Stats before the season starts.
Here are the recommended steps in order:
Paper. Provide your score keeper with last season's paper scorebook and ask them to score in Takedown a dual meet and a few tournament bouts.
Video. Score a few matches from video. Use your team’s video or search for matches on YouTube.
Live. Invite your score keeper to score your challenge matches, wrestle-offs or intra-squad scrimmage.
Scoring a wrestling match with Takedown is easier than scoring with paper and pencil. Even so, the workflow is different from manual methods and scorers should become familiar before live competition.
Give your scorers the pre-season training they need to be successful using Takedown to capture scoring (and video) for you and your team.
California Wrestling Official Makes History
On December 12, 2013, Mike Harr became the first referee ever to digitally sign a wrestling
scorebook as the official record of a dual meet. This signature meets the requirements of the NFHS Wrestling Rulebook.
Here's the historic act:
World's First Digitally Signed Scorebook
Congrats to Mike on achieving a wrestling first!