New Takedown Users

New Takedown users since Thanksgiving.

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Admiral Farragut Academy

Airport High School Wrestling

Almira Coulee Hartline

Alter High School

Anchorpoint Christian

Anthony Wayne Wrestling


Bath Local Schools

Bath Wrestling

Bear Creek High School

Benjamin Russell High School

Bishop Fenwick High School

Bloomfield Hills High School

Cabrillo High School

Calhoun High School


Cambridge Springs Wrestling


Chester High School

Clay County High School Panthers

Columbia Montour Vo-Tech

Columbia Youth Wrestling

Conneaut Area

Del Norte High School

Dublin Coffman

Dublin Eversole

FA Warriors

Faith Lutheran

Frederick Douglass

Garber High School

Gettys D Broome

Gilmer County Middle School

Govenor Thomas Johnson High School

Green Bulldogs

Green Cove Junior High

Greencastle-Antrim Wrestling

Holley Kendall Wrestling


Joliet West

KHS Lady Tigers Wrestling

Kennebunk High School

Kent Wrestling


LaPorte High School

Leo Wrestling club

Linsly Middle School

Mack’s Creek

Mahomet Seymour Girls Wrestling

Marion Senior High

Maurice J. McDonough

Milton Middle School

Montgomery County High School

Nogales High School

North High School

North Marion

North Penn High School

Northfield High School


Oakley Hornets Wrestling

Orange Glen High School

Park Middle School

Patuxent Wrestling

Pleasant Hill High School

Point Pleasant Junior High

Proviso East

Richfield Highschool

Ridge Community High School

Saint John Paul The Great

San Leandro Pirate Wrestling

Santiam Christian High School


Shaker Heights

Sissonville High School


St. Michael’s High School

Steubenville High School

Tehachapi High School

The Kiski School

The Lincoln Academy

The Linsly School

Thompson Falls Blue Hawks

Tri County HS

Upper Sandusky Middle School

West Point High School

Western Albemarle High School

Westmont High School Sentinels

Williamsville East


Wren High School

Takedown Scoring and Stats is the leading mobile app for college and scholastic wrestling teams. Save time and effort by digitizing your team's critical information.

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