Record Team and Wrestler Goals in Takedown
Takedown allows you to record goals/objectives for your team and for each wrestler. This is another step towards consolidating all of your team’s critical information in one place.
At the bottom of each Season, there’s a section called Notes. Tap ‘Edit’ at the top and enter whatever information you’d like regarding the Season. Recording goals/objectives is a no-brainer but you can add any other information you’d like in this area. Tap ‘Done’ when finished. You can change the information in this field at any time just by tapping ‘Edit.”
Wrestler-Specific Goals/Objectives
Similarly, add wrestler-specific goals/objectives (or any other information) to the Notes area in a Roster entry. Tap ‘Edit’ as you did for Season above, then ‘Done’ when complete.
Notes are also available for each Event and, for scouting purposes, for Opponent Team wrestlers
Take advantage of Takedown’s Notes feature to capture important information about your team and wrestlers in a persistent digital format.
Get rid of all that random paper.