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Takedown Makes the Big Time

Stanford University versus Northwestern University Wrestling Dual Meet

Fun time yesterday at Stanford University's Burnham Pavillion watching Stanford v. Northwestern dual meet.  Stanford uses Takedown to score their matches and generate performance statistics.  Yesterday, they kept their expensive pedestal scoreboard in the closet and instead used Takedown's inexpensive and automatically generated scoreboard on their 90" wall-mounted flat panel display.

Here it is in action.  With :49 left in the first period, no score in the 184 pound match.

Stanford University versus Northwestern University Wrestling Dual Meet

Another match, first period with 2:09 to go, NWU up 2-0 with :38 of riding time advantage.  NWU is on top ( as indicated by the chevron under the NWU score).

Stanford University versus Northwestern University Wrestling Dual Meet

And, here's the Stanford wrestling manager using Takedown. See the green cable?  That's the full extent of the setup -- run an HDMI cable from your iPad to your flat panel display.  Stanford's display is huge, but the setup is the same no matter how large (or small) your panel.   Also, instead of having one person run the scoreboard and another person doing the scoring, only a single person is required since the scoreboard content is automatically generated by Takedown.

Stanford University versus Northwestern University Wrestling Dual Meet

Stanford also used Takedown to stream the action to their 6,000+ Twitter fans:

Twitter Feed - Stanford University versus Northwestern University Wrestling Dual Meet

The outcome for the Cardinal wasn't great but Takedown had an outstanding debut on the big stage.

What about your program?  If Takedown works for two premiere Division I NCAA wrestling programs, think it'll work for your high school or middle school program?

Be the coolest team in your conference, download Takedown from the App Store today and throw your paper scorebook in the trash.
